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SR 189 and Interstate 11 Projects

Here is a quick update on SR 189 and how it may connect to Interstate 11:  On Tuesday, January 31, ADOT held an informational presentation on the new (ADOT 189) SR 189, between the International Port at the border Port in Nogales and Highway 19. It is apparent that, while the details have not been designed as yet, and won’t be until the design phase in 2018, the truck route will utilize Mariposa Road to Grand Avenue, using grand Avenue to route trucks and northward. Though this was not stated specifically stated,when I asked one of the highway engineers, it was expressed that this highway could be considered the precursor to the much larger Interstate 11 project (to Las Vegas) and that they will be interconnected. Construction on SR 189 will not begin until 2019.

The proposes Interstate/Highway 11 is highly expected to bypass the parking lot that is Phoenix and intersect and utilize parts of  the I-10 and Highway 19. Both of these major highways will likely be torn apart and rebuilt for years to come.

The public is invited to give feedback or ask more questions at the information by sending an email to

Russell Palmer
